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Here are the steps to set-up Pixie in a local K8s environment using minikube.

Install kubectl

Install v1.10.0+ as described here: install kubectl

Install minikube

Install v1.3.1+ with as decribed here: install minikube

For Mac users

To run minikube, your mac will need a way to run a Linux VM. We recommend hyperkit as the most compatible and lightweight option: install hyperkit

Create Cluster

To create the minikube cluster, run the following command. Linux users should use the kvm2driver and Mac users should use the hyperkit driver. Other drivers, including the docker driver, are not supported.

minikube start --driver=<kvm2|hyperkit> --cni=flannel --cpus=4 --memory=8000 -p=<cluster-name>

CPU and memory requirements are set to accommodate the included demo application.

To deploy a specific K8s version supported by Pixie, also add the following flag --kubernetes-version=v1.12.0.


Run kubectl get nodes to verify your cluster is up and running. Run kubectl config current-context to verify that kubectl is pointing to your cluster.

Deploy Pixie

Once your cluster is up, follow the install steps to deploy Pixie.

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